Our new on-demand App is out now - we are Black Women Resting Into 2023

Oya Heart Warrior - Founder of Unapologetically Black Yoga, supporter of the Black Women Resting Into 2023 campaign

Leading Black British women have joined our campaign to support Black women’s burnout and pledge more time for rest in 2023 by Founder, Zakiya Bishton

On Monday 16th January, Mindwalk Yoga launched the Black Women Resting Into 2023 campaign to celebrate the release of our new on-demand app. We want to promote the power of rest amidst an endemic of Black women’s burnout, and we’ve got the support of prominent Black British women in the UK.

Lydia Amoah, CEO of Backlight and Founder of The Black Pound Report, Paralympian Vanessa Wallace and Leanne Levers & Roshan Roberts, Co-Founders of Dope Black Women, are among those who have pledged time for more rest in 2023, in support of the #BlackWomenRestinginto2023 campaign. 

We are proud to be the UK’s first online yoga studio led by Black and Black-mixed heritage women. Our new campaign promotes the critical role of rest in supporting Black women’s well-being and improving mental health while centring our experiences in the UK’s often ‘white-exclusive’ wellness industry. 

In collaboration with Dope Black Women, we conducted a survey of 126 Black and Black-mixed women. Our findings highlight that many respondents are experiencing mental health conditions, but representation, affordability and not feeling welcome prevent them from accessing yoga as support.

In the last year, 82% of Black and Black-mixed women suffered from stress, while 80 % experienced anxiety, 59%reported burn-out and 55% suffered from insomnia.

63% of respondents stated that yoga is among their top well-being activities, with 70% of respondents turning to yoga to help boost rest and relaxation, 69% to help them improve flexibility, 67% for self-care and 64% to help ease stress and anxiety.

However, many women shared there are barriers preventing them from practising yoga. 77% said there aren’t enough practices run by and for Black/diverse people, 71% said there aren’t enough Black/diverse instructors, and 65% said there are not enough affordable classes.

90% of respondents shared that there is more Black representation in other sports and well-being settings, with the same number saying they don’t see themselves reflected in mainstream yoga. Meanwhile, 94% shared they would be more likely to practice yoga if there was more Black representation.

For those Black and Black-mixed women who have experienced mainstream yoga practices, 44% shared that they felt out of place, like they didn’t belong or were unwelcome in those spaces.

The importance of yoga and rest to support anxiety and burnout is essential but can feel inaccessible to Black and Black-mixed heritage women. We need affordable spaces led by and for us to experience healing and nourishing practices. The many roles we have while navigating racism and discrimination mean we often have to sideline self-care to keep going, but it’s harmful to our mental and physical well-being.

Roshan Roberts, Co-Founders of Dope Black Women, said: 

“I can think of Black runners, Black tennis players, Black netball players but I can’t think of Black yogis. Not even friends or relatives. Whilst I know they exist, many women Black especially, don’t see themselves represented so don’t feel like it’s a place or environment for them. It’s considered a “White thing”, and this perception is gate keeping a lot of women who look like me, from improving their physical and mental health through accessing yoga.”

Lydia Amoah, CEO of BACKLIGHT and Founder of The Black Pound Report, said: “I want to see more Black women feeling seen in yoga; it will inspire interest and involvement. More opportunities must be available to engage Black yoga teachers.”

Paralympian Vanessa Wallace said: “Quite often, the yoga 'scene' doesn't always allow Black people to feel or be seen. That is why I am supporting this campaign and would love to see more Black people represented in yoga, which may hopefully inspire more of us to discover its amazing benefits.”

Oya Heart Warrior - Founder of Unapologetically Black Yoga, is also a supporter of the campaign. She said:  “The image of the thin, flexible, white woman clad in Lycra doing the splits, leaves many Black people feeling yoga is a closed shop that’s not for them. Black people are tired of simply surviving and being strong. They want access to inclusive, accessible yoga  practices that understand who they are and support them with tenderness to feel valued and to thrive.”

Our new App is out now and features 200+ practices, a 14-day anxiety support guided journey and a navigating burnout playlist. Download from the App store and Google Play and start your 7-day free trial today.